- Categories: News
- Time of issue: 2021-12-28 17:09
- Categories:News
- Time of issue:2021-12-28 17:09
APPP Expo is the most famous and biggest Sign exhibition around the world, and like fepsa, it plays an important role in the world signage market. Shanghai DOCAN as the first Chinese brand UV printer manufacturer, a Shanghai HQ company, attend this event every year, and show it's latest technology during the four days show.
The 28th Shanghai International Ad & Sign Technology & Equipment Exhibition is the first world show after COVID-19, which shoulder great responsibility and bound duty to wake up and activate signage market. DOCAN takes 405 sqm booth at the International hall this year and will take its new technology to all visitors: The D System Engine and New Printers
FR5000: a 5m Hybrid uv printer, NEW Arrial, will show Kyocera heads
R5200: a 5m UV Roll to Roll Printing machine, a heavy duty industrial engine, will show Kyocera heads
H3000M: A New UV Flatbed printer with D System, capable speed 115sqm/hr on production mode, will show Kyocera heads
FR3210M: A NEW 3.2m UV Hybird Printer with Liner motor, and enlarge it head number to 15 pcs Kyocera heads in three row
FR2010: A NEW 2m UV Hybrid Printer, it was designed for business starter, will show G6 Heads
H1600M: A NEW UV Flatbed Printer, with D System and Liner motor, gives a incredible speed, will show Kyocera heads
H1000GT:A Ricoh G6 UV engine, with Vanish
H3000R: The most famous UV combo printing machine around the world, will show Kyocera heads
S3200: The most economic Industrial uv roll to roll printer with Kyocera heads
And the Konica 1024A and EPSON Head will show according to arrangement.
DOCAN are waiting for you at Shanghai
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